Sailfish Smart

Two PBA students study together in a dorm room.

Get all of your course materials with Sailfish Smart!

Our Sailfish Smart program gives you access to everything – no need to shop around!

  • Receive all your course materials before your first day of class
  • Save 30-50% off course materials while at PBA
  • Benefit from a highly personalized concierge service
  • See tab under Program Participation with information on how to opt-out

How it Works

Register for Courses

At the time you register for courses, you will automatically be enrolled in Sailfish Smart.

Verify Your Order

30 days before class starts you will receive an email to verify your order and pickup method.

Pick Up Textbooks

An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup at the PBA Bookstore.


General Program Questions

The Sailfish Smart program is a university-wide rental initiative that helps reduce the cost of textbooks.  This program ensures students conveniently receive all of their required course materials on or before the first day of class.

Sailfish Smart provides all students with equitable access to course materials on or before the first day of class, which will ultimately improve their academic success. Additionally, by participating in Sailfish Smart, students will save time and money each term.

The Sailfish Smart flat rate is $24 per credit hour, or $360 for a 15-hour credit load for the courses you are enrolled in each semester. The cost is billed through your PBA student account and requires no direct out-of-pocket expense for students.

For Sailfish Smart program questions, questions about your order, assistance evaluating costs, or for general program information, please contact the PBA Bookstore by emailing

Program Participation

At the time that you register for courses, you will automatically be enrolled in Sailfish Smart. The $24 flat rate per credit will be posted to your PBA student account. If you find that Sailfish Smart is not the best option for you, you may opt out of the program. Please note that students are automatically enrolled in the Sailfish Smart program every semester. Students who do not wish to participate must opt out, or you will be charged. The Spring 2024 semester opt-out period is Friday, December 8th through Tuesday, January 16th.

You will receive emails and phone calls to remind you to verify your order. If you do not verify your order, you will not receive the course materials included in Sailfish Smart. However, if you do not opt out, you will still be billed the Sailfish Smart charge.

Yes. If you verify your order and do not opt out of the program, you will be charged. If you do not verify your order but do not opt-out of the program, you will still be charged.

You may return the course materials for the dropped class to the PBA Bookstore right away, but no later than the date outlined by Barnes & Noble College when they reach out asking you to return the books. If you do not return the materials by the deadline, you will be charged the cost of these materials on your PBA student account.

If you drop a class and enroll in a different class prior to receiving your course materials, the Bookstore will “swap” the required course materials/access codes so that you have what you need. Upon adding a class to your schedule, you will receive a new verification email from Barnes & Noble College. Once you verify your preferred fulfillment method you can obtain the course materials for the newly added courses. You must return the course materials for the dropped course to the Bookstore by the deadline.

You may opt out of Sailfish Smart from Friday, December 8th through Tuesday, January 16th by clicking here. Please note the link will not work outside of the opt-out period and only works for students.


No, you will remain opted out for the semester once you have made the opt-out selection, regardless of whether you add additional courses. If you would like to opt back in because you have added courses, you may do so between Friday, December 8th through Tuesday, January 16th by following the link found in the opt-out confirmation email you received after opting out. Follow the same steps you did to opt-out.

Yes, you will have until the deadline provided by Barnes & Noble College to return your course materials. If you do not return the materials, the charges for Sailfish Smart will remain on your student account.

Your order cannot be processed until your course materials are verified. You will receive an email 30 days prior to the first day of class to verify your course materials for each term. If you have already verified your order, contact the PBA Bookstore at

Send a copy of the syllabus to the PBA Bookstore at Make sure to include the course name and section for which you are missing materials and your contact information.

The deadline to opt-out is Tuesday, January 16th.

No. The Sailfish Smart program is designed to be an all-in or all-out solution by semester for the lowest flat rate possible. Participation is by semester for all courses, not per individual course. You can, however, choose to participate in certain semesters and opt out other semesters. For example, if you choose to opt in your first semester and then opt out your second semester, you can opt back in your third semester.

For any semester that you choose to opt out, you may do so by following the directions and clicking on the opt out button on the Sailfish Smart website. If you opt out of Sailfish Smart for the semester, you are responsible for obtaining your course materials independently, either through the PBA Bookstore or another supplier. If you decide that you would like to participate after you opt out, you may opt back into the program following the same steps you took to opt out.

No, there is no limit to how many times you can opt-out or opt back into the Sailfish Smart program via the website. However, you will be unable to take any further action beyond the opt-out/opt-in deadline, which for the Spring 2024 semester is Tuesday, January 16th.

Sailfish Smart charges will be added to and removed from your PBA student account in the same way tuition is when you add and drop a class. You will be charged $24 per credit hour for each participating course that you are enrolled in. Just like you are credited tuition for any course dropped prior to the add/drop deadline, you will be credited the Sailfish Smart charge for such dropped courses. Students must return any course materials received for the dropped classes prior to or immediately upon dropping the classes but no later than the deadline outlined by the PBA Bookstore and Barnes & Noble College. Students who do not return the course materials for dropped classes will be charged the cost of those course materials on their student accounts.

All course materials are provided in the format required by the instructor. If you would like a format other than that required by the instructor, you may purchase that alternative format from the bookstore directly at the regular price. An alternative format is not part of the Sailfish Smart rental program.

We encourage you to utilize the Sailfish Smart website tools and consider your options. With the majority of PBA students participating in Sailfish Smart each semester, we are able to secure better pricing for students in most circumstances. We are committed to providing affordable course materials and ensuring equitable access to course materials for our students.

Also, remember to consider other program benefits of Sailfish Smart in your analysis, such as guaranteed delivery of required course materials on or before the first day of class by a single vendor. Ultimately, each student should determine what the best option is each term. This program is intended to offer the most affordable and equitable access option for most.

No. Participation is optional. Check this page for more information after reviewing your materials on the Sailfish Smart portal.

It depends on your instructor’s preference. The instructor selects the required format in which the course materials should be used by the students. If an instructor adopts an e-book, that is what will be included in Sailfish Smart. If an instructor selects a hard copy, then that is what will be included in Sailfish Smart.

The following items are excluded from Sailfish Smart: school supplies, kits, uniforms, art supplies, calculators, non-required course materials, and items that the PBA Bookstore cannot source. An example of items that cannot be sourced by the Bookstore is a Netflix subscription.

Additionally, your personalized verification email from Barnes & Noble College will outline any exclusions from Sailfish Smart.

The institution per-credit-hour rate of $24 was determined by taking into account all courses, those with fewer course materials requirements and those with many course materials requirements.

PBA sends an update to Barnes & Noble College each day. Once your schedule change is processed by Barnes & Noble College, you will receive an email notification that there was a change in your course / materials and you will be able to reserve your new materials.

Barnes & Noble College works with PBA faculty to obtain their course material information in the semester prior to the current Sailfish Smart program semester.

If the materials are updated, please reach out to the PBA Bookstore directly. They will contact your professor and confirm the changes as well as update Sailfish Smart with the new materials. Once the update is complete, students will receive a notification via email to reserve the new materials.

No. When you access the Sailfish Smart portal to reserve your materials, you will only be able to reserve the new materials added to the course or the materials for any new/added courses.

The Sailfish Smart program will not cover the required textbooks for any Summer term sessions. The program applies to all Fall and Spring term courses, which includes the Fall Accelerate program. Students that are enrolled in Summer courses will not see the Sailfish Smart charge on their bill from the Student Accounts Office. Only the students that are enrolled for Fall and/or Spring term courses will be participating. As a reminder, the Sailfish Smart program is set up to charge $24.00 per credit hour for Fall and Spring term courses only, which covers all required textbooks, whether printed or digital for the term.


The Sailfish Smart charge will be included on your PBA student account along with other charges such as tuition and fees. This allows you to use financial aid, outside scholarships, etc. to pay for your course materials.

You will not be charged a late fee if you do not pay the Sailfish Smart charge to PBA by the due date for payment of tuition and fees. However, holds may be applied to your PBA student account if the balance is not paid in full. The balance will remain on your account indefinitely.

You may email the PBA Bookstore at The Bookstore will work to resolve the issue and will communicate with you regarding a solution.

Digital Course Materials

There are a number of ways to access digital materials included in Sailfish Smart. You will know the delivery method for each of the included materials when you verify your course materials and select your fulfillment method through the Sailfish Smart website.

Some digital materials will be accessible with a physical access code that you will receive with your other materials as part of Sailfish Smart. Follow the instructions on the access code card.

Other digital materials will be available directly in your Canvas course.

Your access to the digital materials will be revoked on the opt-out deadline. If you need to gain access to the digital materials again after the opt-out deadline and after the access was revoked, you may purchase the digital materials from the bookstore at the regular retail price. Once you have purchased the materials you can regain access with the physical or digital access code provided with your purchase. Any work completed prior to the access being revoked will still be there when you regain access.

If your digital materials are not available in Canvas or the appropriate links are not in place, please notify your instructor and contact the PBA Bookstore at to have the issue resolved right away.

Financial Aid and Sailfish Smart

If you are a financial aid recipient and you are eligible for enough aid to cover your tuition, fees and the Sailfish Smart charge, the aid will automatically be applied to the Sailfish Smart charge on your PBA student account, and any remaining funds will be issued to you as a refund. The financial aid is automatically applied to the Sailfish Smart program. You do not need to apply or opt into the book advance to have it pay for the Sailfish Smart charge. If you are not eligible for enough aid to cover Sailfish Smart then you will be responsible for paying PBA for the remaining balance on your student account after the financial aid has been applied.

Yes, financial aid will be applied first to tuition, then fees and then charges on your PBA student account. Therefore, if enough aid is available to cover it all or cover most of it, then it will be applied to all up to the maximum amount of aid. In instances where your financial aid is not enough to cover Sailfish Smart in its entirety, then you are required to pay the difference to PBA.

No, institutional scholarships or grants such as academic, athletic, talent, and PBA Lead scholarships cannot be applied against Sailfish Smart charges. Funded or outside scholarships whose provisions allow them to cover course materials may be used.

Textbook Condition

Yes, these are your textbooks for the term to be used as you normally would, but you must return the materials in reusable condition at the end of the semester.

You are responsible for the course materials rented through Sailfish Smart, and we expect gentle use so that the materials can be used by others in the future. But we know things happen! Contact the PBA Bookstore to work it out on a case-by-case basis if your course materials are lost or damaged during the term.

Purchasing Textbooks

Yes! If you wish to keep the course materials or retain access to the digital content beyond the semester, you may purchase them. Contact the PBA Bookstore for details. The charges for a purchase of print and digital course materials are to be paid directly to the Bookstore.

The rental buyout price is a discounted price based upon the market-value of that unique material. The PBA Bookstore can offer the exact price for each textbook or digital material a student would like to purchase.

Coordinate the purchase of course materials directly with the PBA Bookstore. Charges for the purchase of a textbook or digital version rented through Sailfish Smart are not transferred to your PBA student account.

Dual Enrollment

Yes! If you are a dual enrollment student taking classes online or on the PBA campus, you are automatically enrolled in Sailfish Smart and should verify your course materials and select a fulfillment method when you receive the verification email from Barnes & Noble College.

Accessible Format

If you need course materials in accessible formats, you should visit PBA’s Accessibility Resources webpage. There you will find information on services, including the procedure to request accessible format textbooks.

We are committed to providing accessible material, and the PBA Bookstore will be able to help with any special requests. Additionally, students may visit the Accessibility Resources webpage. There you will find information on accessibility services, including the procedure to request accessible format textbooks.


The PBA Bookstore and Barnes & Noble College are committed to protecting all personal information and take the utmost precautions to secure and store data.

The data provided to the PBA Bookstore is only used to help us deliver all your course materials based upon your selected courses.

No. We are committed to the safeguarding of all personal information.